Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Time to Relocate?

Relocating your office is a very stressful process. A lot is involved when planning the layout and structuring. Maximum efficiency, what office equipment needs to be updated, and getting things transferred in a timely manner are just a few of the headaches you’ll have to deal with. Affordable Telephone Solutions offers help in relocating your business’ telephone system. Let Affordable’s phone system specialists help ease some of the burden and ensure that you don’t miss an important call in all of the chaos.
Aside from installation they are also able to assess the communications needs in your building as well as give you advice on ways to improve your current system to maximize the benefits you receive from your phone system. When expanding an office you must expect that there will be periods of time where office equipment is non-operational but there are ways to continue working even without fully operating equipment.
·         Schedule time for phone and internet moving, installation, and upgrades. This will mean planning in advance so that the work occurs during the office lunchtime or after hours.
·         Let your clients know your office is moving! This point cannot be stressed enough. Your clients are your bread and butter and you need to keep them informed. This will also help them be more understanding when it takes you a little longer to return their call or help them while relocating.
·         Have your telephone company manage the move for their commodity. This will decrease your liability and ensure the job is done right.
·         Forward calls from your phone lines to employee’s work mobile phones until the building’s system is fully functional again.
·         Sketch out your office’s new design. Work with your phone installation company to make best use of your data communications system and ensure the physical move is well planned. This will help to reduce the time your phones are down.
By working hand in hand with Affordable Telephone Solutions you are assured they will guide you to setting up your telephone system in your new office in such a way that it will meet all of your business needs while exceeding your expectations. 

Affordable Telephone Systems                866-666-9650
Reliability and Functionality! . . . Our Commitment Guaranteed!!

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